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2005-09-20 - 8:02 a.m.

Hola---Happy end of September! This has been the longest month with the longest weeks and days of my life. I thought time flew by as you got older?

Well to pass the time I have been taking little trips, to the Hiper Paiz (a walmart spinoff) and La Pradera (a giant shopping mall, complete with Taco Bell and Sbarros).

I also went to one cultural spot, Panajachel. It�s about 3 hours by car. The view from the car. I went with some friends, actually my backyard neighbors.

We did a little hiking at Reserva Natural Atitlan.

Saw some monkeys, just for you mom.

Saw a waterfall.

Saw many volcanoes surrounding a giant and beautiful lake.

We even went out a little, well a lot.

The people were very friendly, even the ex-patriats. There were a lot of hippies and locals selling jewelry, clothing, rugs, quilts, pottery, everything. Expect many of the above for Christmas.
Love you all and miss you terribly. Lara


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